Zambia Importers Database

Zambia Importers Database

The ZAMBIA IMPORTERS DATABASE has been specially compiled for foreign companies looking for business partners in Zambia. The ZAMBIA IMPORTERS DATABASE includes listing of major companies in Zambia. International exporters, manufacturers, traders and merchants looking to establish direct contacts with their business counterparts in the lucrative market of Zambia will be able to connect with business houses in Zambia, wholesalers in Zambia, importers in Zambia, retailers in Zambia as well as agents and distributors in Zambia.

The ZAMBIA IMPORTERS DATABASE is a a perfect marketing medium for export-oriented companies seeking business partners in Zambia market – one of the largest markets in Africa and a major trading hub.

Demand for goods and services among importers in Zambia has been rising steadily each year. This database is a must for export-oriented enterprises looking for business partners in the mature markets in Africa like Zambia.

Zambia Importers Database

This ZAMBIA IMPORTERS DATABASE contains the latest and complete information about your potential business partners in several cities across Kenya.

– Listings of Top Companies in Zambia
– In MS Excel format
– Classified under different Trade Categories
– Up-to-date database of businesses in Zambia

  • Over 12,000+ listings
  • Classified under different trade sectors.
  • Also available for direct download in Excel spreadsheet format
  • Instant direct download in Excel format

The ZAMBIA IMPORTERS DATABASE is essentially produced for international exporters, importers, manufacturers, traders and merchants looking to establish contacts with their business counterparts and importers in Africa.

This Directory is a must for export-oriented enterprises looking for business partners in the booming and lucrative markets of Africa.

Business sectors included in the ZAMBIA IMPORTERS DATABASE:

tick_clip_art_9457Heavy equipment & machinerytick_clip_art_9457General Merchantstick_clip_art_9457NGOs
tick_clip_art_9457Automobile Spare Parts Dealerstick_clip_art_9457Business Consultantstick_clip_art_9457Hotels & Restaurants
tick_clip_art_9457Tyres, Tubes, Batteries: Dealerstick_clip_art_9457Cosmetics & Beauty Distributorstick_clip_art_9457Airlines & Aviation
tick_clip_art_9457Electronics & Electrical Dealerstick_clip_art_9457Plastics & Packagingtick_clip_art_9457Perfumes & Fragrances
tick_clip_art_9457Manufacturerstick_clip_art_9457Computer Hardware / Softwaretick_clip_art_9457Textiles & Garments
tick_clip_art_9457Mobile Phones: Dealerstick_clip_art_9457Paper Products & Stationerytick_clip_art_9457Schools, Universities
tick_clip_art_9457Government Bodiestick_clip_art_9457Used Cars / New Carstick_clip_art_9457Wholesalers & Retailers
tick_clip_art_9457Foodstuff: Importers & Distributorstick_clip_art_9457Banks / Financial Bodiestick_clip_art_9457Governement Bodies

Download Africa Importers Database


Product Name: Zambia Importers Database 2023
CD-ROM Availability: CD format: the item usually ships in 24 hours (Courier charges extra).
Online Download Format: Instant Download in Excel format
Software requirement: MS Excel
OS requirement: MS Windows / Mac OSX
Fields included: Company Name, Email, Website, Zip, Address, Phone, Fax, Business Details… and more. However, not all entries are filled with each field
Source & Publisher: Africa Business Pages in conjunction with Gateway Marketing Consultants
Last Updated on: January 2025


US$ 300


You will receive an instant email confirmation of your order together with a link for downloading the Zambia Importers Database as soon as your payment is confirmed)

Numbers vary frequently due to regular updates and the final number of entries on the directories may differ and despite best efforts some duplicate entries may also exist. Some websites, emails, fax numbers or phone numbers may expire. We do not offer refunds on products once sold. This product is NOT A COMPLETE LIST of businesses of this region (country or area). Not all listings are filled with each field. 

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