The 56th edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, scheduled from 20-23 March 2025 in Bologna – Italy, is preparing to welcome the international operators of the cosmetic industry with customized services and facilities to experience the event in complete safety.
Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2025 will remain consistent with previous editions, with over 3,000 companies coming from over 70 different countries: the exhibition area will comprise of over 30 pavilions, hosting around 25 country pavilions as well.

Cosmoprof represents the renaissance of the cosmetic industry and its ever-growing global community, with over 30% of exhibitors attending for the first time or returning to Bologna after a few years, pleasantly impressed by the ability of the event to renew itself and adapt to new business tools. The event currently features the attendance of buyers from more than 80 countries.
To offer a fitting program of visits and dedicated services to international operators, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna has increased investments in the Buyer Program. This project aims to favour the exchange between supply and demand. Thanks to the Buyer Program, buyers, retailers, and distributors can receive support and indications to better organize their experience at the event and discover the most valuable products and services to develop their business. Managers, importers, distributors, wholesalers belonging to all represented sectors and distribution channels can participate in the Buyer Program.

To optimize the experience at Cosmoprof and organize business meetings beforehand, Cosmoprof My Match is the digital match-making platform created by Cosmoprof. The service has constantly evolved, and today it offers live chat and virtual tools that facilitate networking between company and operator.
Cosmoprof My Match and the Buyer Program offer a double service to professionals. Exhibitors have at their disposal a virtual showcase to present product launches and to invite the most qualified and valuable operators to their stand for the development of new collaborations. At the same time, visitors from worldwide can play an active role in the purchasing process. They can select the most suitable brands and suppliers for their business, discover the main trends worldwide, and get inspired by the most innovative proposals present at Cosmoprof.

To facilitate the presence of buyers, distributors, importers, and wholesalers from the main markets, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA – Italian Trade Agency are offering strategic support. Thanks to the funds provided for the extraordinary Made in Italy promotion plan, Cosmoprof will guarantee a hospitality program and specific services for selected operators.
The green corridors established in recent months to support the internationalization of the Italian trade fair system will allow foreign buyers and exhibitors from safe countries to reach Bologna in a facilitated way under a derogation on the quarantine. Finally, the recent approval of the decree-law – allowing the secure access of international operators from non-EU countries with vaccines other than those approved by the EMA – will further encourage the return to Cosmoprof in person. All the details are available on the Italian Ministry of Health website.